Christiania Folkeaktie – Christiania Share


You can contact us either on the address below or by using the form to the right. If your inquiry concerns an order, please state the order number that can be found on your receipt.


Christiania Share
Sydområdet 4
DK-1440 Copenhagen K

Business Hours
Open most days about 9 or 10.
Occasionally as early as 7, and
Sometimes as late as 12 or 1.
We close about 5:30 or 6-
Occasionally about 4 or 5, and
Sometimes as late as midnight or later.
On some days we’re not here at all, But lately we’ve been here a lot,
Unless we’re not here.
Smile and have a great day 😀

Man til Tor: 12 – 17

Fre: 12 – 15