Christiania Folkeaktie – Christiania Share

Free the Freetown with Christiania Shares

Christiania Shares are not like the shares traded at the stock exchange. They promote community, sharing and autonomy in contrast to the financial speculation currently causing great harm to communities all over the world.

In this, it is our modest hope to inspire the development of social models of investment, that value common wealth rather than profits.

The purchase of a Christiania Share is to be seen as a donation supporting buying the Freetown through the Fund for Christiania. As such, i’s of greater worth than money.

Christiania shares, the short story.

  • Christiania Shares are to be seen as donations supporting the buyout of the Freetown and are as such worth more than money.
  • The full amount from the sale of every Christiania share supports the Fund for the Freetown Christiani.
  • A Christiania Share does not represent any economic value and is not intended as an investment object.
  • As a purchaser of a Christiania Share you will not get the rights of a shareholder in the traditional sense, you will not become owner of a part of Christiania, nor are you a part of the Fund for the Freetown Christiania and you get no rights with respect to either the Fund or Christiania. … But you will be invited to the relevant festivities, starting with a blast of a “general assembly” party in 2012.

Behind the Christiania share

The share is designed by Jakob Bue in cooperation with Jacob Jensen Design and Christiania. It is printed on FSC-certified high quality paper from Lessebo in Sweden.

The wood for the production comes from the nearby forests and the waste from the sawmill is used as both raw material and biological fuel. The Lessebo production has one of the lowest carbon emission levels in the business. The short distance from forest to factory and from factory to Christiania ensures and environmentally friendly production from start to finish.

Each Christiania-share is marked with an individual serial number, stamped with Christiania’s seal, signed by Christiania’s head cashier and marked with special “free stamps” made by various Christiania artists, corresponding to the amount paid.

Special thanks to:

Jakob Bue

Jacob Jensen Design


Eks-Skolens Trykkeri

Print-Techno Aps.

Rosendahls – Schultz Grafisk

Jes Madsen for hjemmesiden

The different shares

  • Shares, ranging form 100-400 DKK are industrially printed in A5-format and sold through Christiania’s shops, clubs and bars. NB! 20 DKK Christiania Shares are only sold one at a time.
  • A5 shares ranging from 100-400 DKK. Are also sold through this website.
  • Shares amounting to 500 DKK. or above are printed in high quality A4 in Christianias own serigraphy workshop, where everything is handprinted. Are also sold through this website.
  • Shares amounting to 10,000 DKK and above are printed in a special gold edition in A4 format, made in Christianias own serigraphy workshop, where everything is handprinted. Are also sold through this website.