Christiania Folkeaktie – Christiania Share

Register your Christiania share

Tillykke med din Christiania Folkeaktie. Du har nu været med til at frikøbe Fristaden og sikre at den fortsat er folkeeje.

If you have bought your Christiania Share directly in Christiania or received it as a gift, you can register your name, e-mail and your Christiania share’s serial no. You will then be informed of and invited to relevant Christiania Share festivities. If you want to appear here on the website as a People Shareholder, you can add a picture of yourself with the People Share and add a description. Only your name, picture and description are displayed on the website.

NB! If you bought the Christiania Share in your own name through this website, you are already registered and don’t have to register.

You can see the other shareholders here.

    You will find your serial number on your share.

    Your image must be a jpg or a png image, and must be a maximum of 2 MB.